HPLC Teaching Assistant

date added
29 April 2019
19064 times
If you found this tool useful to your work, please cite this electronic resource as: - D. Guillarme, J.-L. Veuthey. “HPLC Teaching Assistant”, available online at

- D. Guillarme, J.L. Veuthey, “HPLC teaching assistant”: a new tool for learning and teaching liquid chromatography – part I, LC-GC North America, 2016, 34, 804-811. (PDF)
- D. Guillarme, J.L. Veuthey, “HPLC teaching assistant”: a new tool for learning and teaching liquid chromatography – part II, LC-GC North America, 2016, 34, 906-915. (PDF)

HPLC Teaching Assistant v1.41 (English)

Compatible system: Excel 2007 2016 (Office 365)

No install is necessary, only open the file « HPLC teaching assistant English v1.41.xls » with Excel.

Download (9.23 Mo)

HPLC teaching assistant: Free software for effective and innovative learning & teaching liquid chromatography

« HPLC teaching assistant » is a tool developed at the Laboratory of analytical pharmaceutical chemistry at the University of Geneva to simulate chromatograms obtained under different analytical conditions in high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). This software allows teachers to illustrate the basic principles of HPLC using virtual chromatograms (simulated chromatograms). Among the offered possibilities, it allows to:

  1. Illustrate the concept of chromatographic resolution including the impact of retention, selectivity and efficiency on resolution.
  2. Understand the van Deemter equation and kinetic performance in HPLC.
  3. Recognize the importance of analytes lipophilicity (log P) on retention and selectivity in reversed phase HPLC mode (RPLC).
  4. Handle the RPLC retention, taking into account the acido-basic properties (pKa) of compounds and mobile phase pH.
  5. Simulate the impact of mobile phase temperature on HPLC separations
  6. Understand the behavior of a mixture of diverse compounds in both isocratic and elution gradient modes.
  7. Show the influence of instrumentation (injected volume and tubing geometry) on kinetic performance and sensitivity in HPLC.
  8. Demonstrate the impact of analytes molecular weight on thermodynamic (retention and selectivity) and kinetic (efficiency) performance.

« HPLC teaching assistant » can be used by academic teachers as well as company training instructors, who are interested in using innovative technology to better convey message during their courses. This tool is free of use, but please mention the name of the developers (Davy GUILLARME and Jean-Luc VEUTHEY) and the name of the institution (University of Geneva) from where this software is distributed.

