
Des projets de recherche sont également réalisés dans le domaine de la pharmacie globale, dans le cadre de travaux de master et de thèses de doctorat. Cette page présente quelques exemples de travaux réalisés.



Quantitative CE analysis of punicalagin in Combretum aculeatum extracts traditionally used in Senegal for the treatment of tuberculosis
E. A. Diop, J. Jacquat, N. Drouin, E- Ferreira Queiroz, J.-L. Wolfender, T. Diop, J. Schappler, S. Rudaz.
Electrophoresis 40 (2019) 2920 – 2827 2019 DOI: 10.1002/elps.201900240


Building Local Capacity in Hand-Rub Solution Production during the 2014-2016 Ebola Outbreak Disaster: The Case of Liberia and Guinea
Jacquerioz Bausch F, Heller O, Bengaly L, Matthey-Khouity B, Bonnabry P, Touré Y, Kervillain G, Ibrahima Bah E, Chappuis F, Hagon O.
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 2018;33:660-7. 2018 DOI: 10.1017/S1049023X18000985


Characterization of Counterfeits and Substandard Medecines using Capillary Electrophoresis
J. Schappler and S. Rudaz
Advances in Pharmaceutical Analysis, LC-GC, 29 s10 (2016) 38 – 42 2016 DOI:


Qualitative and quantitative counterfeits analysis by capillary electrophoresis, an integrated strategy with the multiple injection approach
J. Schappler, E. Reginato, E.H.A. Diop, S. Rudaz
Spectra Analyse, 298 (2014) 63 - 73 2014 DOI:


Reliable low-cost capillary electrophoresis device for drug quality control and counterfeit medicines
R.D. Marini, E. Rozet, M.L.A. Montes, C. Rohrbasser, S. Roht, D. Rhème, P. Bonnabry, J. Schappler, J.-L. Veuthey, Ph. Hubert, S. Rudaz.
J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 53 (2010) 1278-1287 2010 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpba.2010.07.026

Travaux de master
Contrefaçons des médicaments du VIH,
Lamyae El Morabit (Scientific supervision E. Tobolkina), Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Western Switzerland (ISPSO), University of Geneva, January 2020
Development of analytical methods for the quality control of Insulin and Levothyroxine, and their implementation in Cambodia,
A. Josserand, E.A. Diop, S. Rudaz, Master degree, School of pharmaceutical sciences, University of Geneva, June 2018
Dosage de la Punicalagine par électrophèse capillaire dans des extraits végétaux utilisés en médecine traditionnelle contre la tuberculose,
J. Jacquat, E.A. Diop, J. Schappler, S. Rudaz, Master degree, School of pharmaceutical sciences, University of Geneva, June 2017
Evaluation of a new miniaturized Analysis device for the quality control of medicines and counterfeits,
R. Morkos, V. Gonzalez, J. Schappler, S. Rudaz, Master degree, School of pharmaceutical sciences, University of Geneva, June 2016
Prévalence des hépatites B et C chez les enfants de 0-16 ans, drépanocytaires au CHU Campus de Lomé,
Anne Chick, 2016.
Evaluation de dispositifs d’analyse pour le contrôle de qualité de médicaments et de contrefaçons
L. D’Espine, E. Reginato, J. Schappler, S. Rudaz Master degree, School of pharmaceutical sciences, University of Geneva, June 2015